In order to check the contents of the cargo, you must first perform the delivery process against signature. We strongly remind you to check your cargo under the supervision of the courier who delivers your cargo against any damage that may occur during transportation.

In case of any damage and/or missing products, please contact us via our whatsapp line (0850 307 62 57) and keep a record and return your damaged and/or missing order and products in a protected manner. Otherwise, you are deemed to have accepted that there is no problem during transportation. Our company (fanself) does not accept any responsibility for the failure to fulfill the proof requirement for your orders that are not checked and for which you do not keep a record.

In unusual cases such as missing/wrong products, please compare the products in your package with your invoice and have the courier keep a report and contact us via our whatsapp line 0850 307 62 57 or, we promise to compensate as soon as possible!

In your overseas orders, if an additional customs tax is imposed by customs on your orders, the BUYER is obliged to pay the tax fee . Orders that cannot be delivered when the BUYER does not pay for the orders with customs tax cannot be returned to the BUYER, but the BUYER`s order cannot be canceled.